Service information
We charge a commission of 0.20 ~ 3.00% per transaction. You can choose a transaction fee to make your transaction faster or longer. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
We do not save the log.
We do not store any logs, so we cannot help organizations or individuals with questions about user activity. We do this for system storage optimization and user anonymity.
We do not collect emails.
We will delete all emails from our contact form within 24 hours after reading all emails.
We do not collect personal data.
We do not answer anything about Bitcoins received or sent. This is because it does not store this information at the end of the transaction.
The BITCOIN mixer is fully automated.
Bitcoin mixing service is fully automated and works without human help. When the mixer completes its work, all relevant information is removed.
What is a BITCOIN mixer?
The Bitcoin mixer is a very impressive service if you want to remain anonymous when you want to buy online. It can also be useful if you want peer-to-peer payments and donations. The service is used to mix this person's funds and provide new Bitcoins to this person. The focus here is to make sure Blender has the ability to confuse the trail because someone can try to figure out the source. The best mixer is the one that keeps your anonymity to the maximum. You want to make it very difficult to keep track of each bitcoin transaction. That's where it makes a lot of sense to use our bit mixing service. This makes it much easier to protect your income and privacy. The reason why you want to use our service is because you can hide the coins from hackers. They can do block-chain analysis, and they can track personal data to steal Bitcoins. With our Bitcoin tumbler you don't have to worry anymore.